단일 요소 투명도 주는 방법

[3분] 레빗 단일 요소 투명도 주는 방법

Today’s post “How to give transparency to a single element” demonstrates the method to apply transparency to an individual element, especially useful for marking areas with hatching in drawings. The tutorial includes steps like selecting ‘Filled Region’, adjusting transparency, and confirming the change in Autodesk Revit, which can be downloaded from the official website. Further Revit resources are available at Memople.

경계없는 룸에 경계만들기

[5분] 레빗 경계없는 룸에 경계만들기

This post introduces a solution for creating divisions within rooms in Revit without boundaries, a common problem in closed spaces. It provides a step-by-step guide on the blog “레빗 경계없는 룸에 경계만들기,” with instructions starting from the ‘Room’ tool in the Architecture tab to using ‘Room Separation Lines’ to define spaces, which turns a single area into five separate zones. The post ends with an invitation to subscribe to Memople for more Revit tutorials.

패밀리 선이 와이어프레임으로만 보일 때 해결방법

[5분] 레빗 가져온 패밀리 선이 와이어프레임으로만 보일 때 해결방법

This post discusses a solution for when imported Revit family models appear as wireframes in drawings, despite being set to ‘hidden line’ view. It suggests downloading Revit from Autodesk’s official website and provides a link. The solution involves changing the subcategory of the family’s ID data to ‘hidden line’ and reloading it into the project, after which the family should display correctly. Further Revit resources can be found on the same website.